You Can Make Plans But
Lords Plan Will Prevail

About Us

A Brief History of The Move
of The Wailing Women Worldwide

The current move of THE WAILING WOMEN WORLDWIDE is essentially a call to prayer. It is the Lord Himself raising thousands of Spirit-filled women to labor in fervent intercession for the unity of the universal Church and the redemption of nations of the world. The move was not initiated by any man but by the Spirit of the living God. It is a direct outcome of God’s call to His daughters all over the world to stand in the gap for their families, their neighbors, the Church, and all those who are perishing in the world.

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Women Intercessors For
The Churchand The Nations

This prophetic move, which was birthed by the Holy Spirit Himself, is the ingathering of the “foolish things” of this world whom God the Father has chosen to use to confound and shame the wise (1 Corinthians 1:27-29). In a very real sense, the Wailing Women are the “eleventh hour workers” in God’s vineyard of intercession. They have appeared on the scene in these last days to help bring in the large harvest which the Spirit has prepared for God’s Kingdom. By their travail, God will raise lively stones to build the glorious Church,.

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Wailing Women Worldwide

Vision, Mission, & Core Values

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard
dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type
specimen book.

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    Helping the Morgan Family

    The current move of THE WAILING WOMEN WORLDWIDE is essentially a call to prayer. It…

    Sharing our Faith

    The current move of THE WAILING WOMEN WORLDWIDE is essentially a call to prayer. It…

    Growing Church Community

    The current move of THE WAILING WOMEN WORLDWIDE is essentially a call to prayer. It…
    International Coordinators
    Continental Coordinators for The Americas
    National Coordinators – USA